On Sunday, I woke up at 6.00 a.m. coz we're going to... Pulomas!!! Hooray! But, when I waking up my mom. My momma said "we're going at 8.00 a.m.." Well, what can I say beside Umm, Okay...? So, I tried to sleep again. But I can't. I decide to wait 'till 8.00 a.m.. I'm waiting... wait.... Arrgh!!! Patience Dania! After 8.00 a.m., u'll have all the time to spend with horses!
Time past.....
"Wake up, wake up! It's 8 a.m.!!!" Momma, Ade, n Papa awake. Then, the first disaster come. My Papa wanna take a shower becoz he want to meet my piip, sensored cousin. We wait again. "So boring..." I said 2 my sista, she just nodded 4 response. "C'mon. Let's feed the turtles." Wait 'till 9.15. And my dad wanna look at my magnificent horse riding skill... Nah, I'm not that good. So arrogant and I hate it. Okay, so my paps goes to Pulomas too.
Like usually, me n my sis goes to the paddock first. I thought there'll be Bouncy turn to eat in the paddock instead of... another mom & foal. "Hey, it's AFRICA!!!!" my sis yelling at me. "Africa?!??". Without think twice I run far enough. Because I'm in hurry, I didn't notice if there is a little street. The path we choose is full of mud. My blue shoes turning to mud-brown. Closer... I'ts really Africa!!! My heart beats faster than ever. Is she still think I'm her BFF? Did she still remember me? She doesn't forget me, does she? I hope not. We didn't met like was 2 years, dude.... I took a picture and vid of her. I fed her n talk 2 her 'bout life. Not long after that, I notice her filly. Aww... She's the cutest foal ever! She's a brown-white paint and her face's looks a lot like her mother. She had a long-large blaze on her head just like Africa. But her body looks like her father which I dunno who he is but I think he's a racehorse. She's very shy. A little moment... I caught her eyes. Blank. She's reminded me of... I don't know. Just it, we stare at each other for a long moment while Africa's still grazing. Stupidly, I didn't try to approached her. I think we'll have a lots of time together. But what do I expected? Rain... A lot of little rain. "Brilliant...." Me n my sis keep in company with Africa and her foal, 4 a little moment... Then our mom pick us off from the paddock. Bye darl....
-_- I HATE RAIN THAT TIME.... In the car, I keep complaining 'bout rain. "Why the rain comes while I met her.... Yesterday, I want rain. Why now???" I know Africa disappointed at me, I know it. While my mom pick me up, Africa nodded her head like was saying "Stay here... Stay..." But I can't... I'm sorry Africa... My mom will forbids me, I can sick... I'm sorry, please don't mad at me. She show no reaction. Of course, you. She can't hear u! U r not a horse-whisperer. But I know Africa mad at me. I know her. She had a bad temper. My human-friend can mad at me even my best friend, but not my horsefriend, especially Africa. My mom decide to eat first before ride. Then, I caught a look of Sapph. I feel so disappointed, like I was fall from the highest floor. That's when I'm on the way to the canteen. I let my self down in front of Sapph and Africa. The world collapsed around me. I'm not in the mood for eating. Usually, I'm always in the mood for eating. It was one of my hobbies. When we out from the canteen, Sapph still in the hall. His lead-man talking to the other lead-man. It's still rainy. Sapph is covered by a blue plastic, his head's following me. My whole body keeps saying I'm sorry... I don't know about Sapph, I hope he's not mad at me too. I know Sapph's more good-tempered horse than Africa. I'm a very bad friend. I'm not always be there for them. When Africa is about giving a birth, I'm not there, I'm not giving her the courage she always give it to me. Today is only a little rain and I don't stay with them. This is such a disaster. I hope they're not giving me a silent treatment on the next meeting. I'm such a coward... I'm sorry Africa, I'm sorry Sapph, I'm sorry Africa's little girl...
I decide we're going to Pulomas again this afternoon. At 1.00 p.m.. I'll not gonna be a loser in front of them ever again! We arrived at Pulomas not long after 1.00 p.m.. Sapph isn't in the hall anymore. His lead-man's watching the race! Oh that stupid lead-man... Fortunately, there was a too-tall-for-me chestnut horse with a stripe on his forehead. So, I ride him. His name is Julen, he's a three years old Thoroughbred horse. I ride him for three round. The first round's going okay. The second round, Julen's acting weird. From his body language, he's hungry but I'm sure his lead-man's already fed him. The third round was going un-okay. JULEN'S BOLT!!! You know how fast a thoroughbred run huh?!? Everyone around me yelling like "STOP THE HORSE!!!", "Pull the reins!!!", "Stop him!!!". Yeah, I know what to do you folks! Just stop yelling around me! I'm sooo confused that time, so does Julen. His head turning around for many times. I just don't like if anyone yelling around me, it's can make me confused, mad, and frustrating. In the end, I can stop him. Me and Julen save. We don't bolting until out of the arena or hit something. Maybe it's my fortune. On the way to the paddock, my momma tells me that Julen's hadn't eat yet. Omigod, the lead-man's sooo stupid... We arrived at the paddock. Seeing Africa's there, my heart lit up. But Africa doesn't come to me. I believe she's know I'm here. Africa's girl looks at me and whinny. Her cute, little noise makes me laugh. I wanna met them but they're so far away, they're on the other side of the paddock. And there's no way to get in there, we must wear boots. But I wearing a sandals. So I just shout goodbye to Africa and her filly. The next time I met them. I must making friend with Africa's filly. There's something special about her. I just can tell.
On Monday, I ask some suggestion from my friends. Amanda, Irene, and Amira. They gave me some cool name for Africa's little girl. Check at these:
- Chantal
- Carrie
- Cherry
- Betty
- Joyca
- goldOgaze
- Charlotte
- Madeline
- Gabriella
- Carolina
- Jennifer
- Felicia
- Amberr
- Caecillia
- Francine
- Ashlee
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