Sunday, 13 November 2011

What's the Special of Horses...

Why do we love horses so much?
What makes them so beautiful, so graceful, so magical?
It's power...
                  ...thudding hooves and heaving chests.
It's flying...
                ...horses give us the wings we weren't born with.
It's freedom and it's purest form...
                                                  ... wild and simple.
It's self expression.
It's bobbing heads and expressive faces.
It's velvet noses.
It's manes flowing in the breeze.
It's the elegance of the arab and the feral grace of the mustang.
It's the solid coat of the sleek, black friesian and the splotched beauty of a pinto.
It's eyes that look like pools of warm melted chocolate filled with love and trust.
It's nuzzle on the cheek to dry away your tears and  make you smile again.
Having a loyal friend who is always on your side.
It's fear and courage.
It's trust and loyalty.
It's strength and tenterness.
It's being able to lead and willing to follow.
It's breath taking beauty and something much, much deeper.
It's unity one heart and mind, in two bodies.
It's a bond deeper than friendship, more pure than love.

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